Novi Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC)
The Novi Community School District Special Education Parent Advisory Committee represents families with students receiving Special Education services in partnership with NCSD to empower each student to develop their highest potential through collaboration and communication.
Acts as a parent resource in collaboration with the NCSD Special Education Department.
Solicits information from parents of students who receive special education services regarding needed areas of program development
Participates in problem solving discussion with special education administrators for program improvement
Provides information, expertise, representation and participation in an advisory capacity to the administration
For more information contact:
Twitter: @Novi_SEPAC
Novi Special Education PAC Representatives
- Co-Presidents: Jorgia Basner-May, Tulutuluimoana Cox
- Vice President: Nicole Tikkanen
- Secretary: Rick May
- Treasurer: Gisela Rios Villarreal
- Above & Beyond Award Chair: Grace Qin
- Oakland County Representatives: Gisela Rios Villarreal, Jorgia Basner-May