Athletics Code of Conduct
- Expectations
- Statewide School Safety Act/Public Act 102
- Statement of Eligibility/Acknowledgement of Risk Forms (Athletics Only)
- Substance Abuse Consequences
- Sportsmanship/Ethical Behavior
- Attendance - School and Practice
- Quitting/Switching Sports/Dual Participation (Athletics Only)
- Parent's Responsibility
- Personal Appearance (Athletics Only)
- Proper Supervision
- Conflict of Responsibilities
- Review Procedures
- Due Process
- Awards
- Extracurricular Activities
- Extracurricular Philosophy
Violations of federal, state or local law/ordinance including felony or misdemeanor acts other than minor traffic offenses.
Conviction of said offenses is not necessary to establish a violation of the Athletic/Extra-Curricular Handbook, which will be determined through an independent school investigation. Such offenses, when witnessed by a teacher, administrator, other responsible adult(s) or when substantiated by other reliable evidence may constitute a violation of this handbook. A conference will be scheduled and held within 3 school days after the infraction has been noted with the supervisor, the student, the student's parents or guardians and the administrator prior to determining appropriate penalties if necessary. If no conference is held within a reasonable amount of time (3 school days), the disciplinary process will continue. Depending upon the severity of the incident penalties will range from restitution, suspension from competition or dismissal from the organization.
Statewide School Safety Act/Public Act 102
In compliance with the Statewide School Safety Act, the Oakland County Prosecutor's Office, various courts within Oakland County, and the Novi Police Department are required to provide all school districts with periodic updates of juvenile offenders. Names provided by the law enforcement agencies will be sent to the Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services and then forwarded to the principal/s of the building he/she attends. The principal will notify the parents of these students, will talk with these students and offer appropriate counseling services for them and notify them of disciplinary measures that are required by the Novi Community School District's Extra-Curricular Code as a result of their participation in each extra-curricular activity.
A. Inappropriate behavior which school officials consider conduct unbecoming a participant and a representative of the Novi Community School District.
B. Hazing activities of any type are inconsistent with the educational process and are prohibited at all times.
C. Violations of the High School or Middle School Student Handbook.
Penalties will be prescribed by the building administration. Any violation of this handbook which is also a violation of the student handbook may be investigated by the building administration. Penalties for violations of the student handbook may be imposed separate and apart from any penalty imposed under this the Athletic/Extra-Curricular Handbook.
D. Violation of any organization’s conduct rule as may be established by the organization’s supervisor.
Supervisors may impose other rules and expectations for their team that are not part of the Athletic/Extra-Curricular Handbook. Those rules must be approved by the administrator and may not be inconsistent with the provisions of the Athletic/Extra-Curricular Handbook as adopted by the Board of Education.
E. Use, possession, concealment, distribution, sale or being under the influence of those substances listed in Items 1-6 below violates the Athletic/Extra-Curricular Handbook:
- Tobacco or tobacco products in any form;
- Alcohol or alcoholic beverages in any form;
- Illegal drugs, including but not limited to those substances defined as "controlled substances" pursuant to federal and state statute;
- Drug paraphernalia;
- Substances purported to be illegal, abusive or performance-enhancing, i.e. "look-alike drugs”;
- Steroids, human growth hormones, or other performance-enhancing drugs.
It shall not be a violation of the Athletic/Extra-Curricular Handbook for a participant to use or possess prescription or patient drugs when taken pursuant to a legal prescription issued by a licensed practitioner.
A parent/guardian shall notify his/her son/daughter's administrator in writing of the medication prescribed, the duration of the prescription and if the medication could alter the participant's behavior or affect the participant's ability to participate in a physical activity. Such notification shall be prior to the season or during the season if the medication is prescribed during the season by a physician.
Statement of Eligibility/Acknowledgement of Risk Forms (Athletics Only)
Substance Abuse Consequences
1. Self-Disclosure
Any participant who, by himself/herself or together with his/her parents or legal guardians, voluntarily discloses to a supervisor (who must immediately follow up with an administrator) or to an administrator a need for assistance for alcohol or substance abuse prior to any reports, charges or complaints under the Athletic/Extra-Curricular Handbook shall be required to follow the chemical assessment/treatment procedures outlined in the Athletic/Extra-Curricular Handbook. Under such circumstances, the participant will not be charged with a violation of the Athletic/Extra-Curricular Handbook. This self-disclosure exemption is available to a participant only once during his/her athletic career.
2. First Violation - The participant shall select either option 1 or option 2 as follows:
Option 2: The participant is suspended for 50% of the season or 6 weeks, whichever is greater. During the period of suspension the participant will continue to practice but may not dress for a game or competition.
3. Second Violation - The participant shall select either option 1 or option 2 as follows:
4. Third Violation
5. Violations of the Athletic/Extra-Curricular Handbook relating to tobacco shall be as follows:
1st Violation – 10% of season plus completion of an approved tobacco cessation program*
- 2nd Violation – 25% of season plus completion of an approved tobacco cessation program*
- 3rd Violation – 50% of season plus completion of an approved tobacco cessation program*
- 4th Violation – The participant shall lose the privilege of participating in the organization for the remainder of his/her high school career. An appeal for reinstatement to the Administrator may be made one calendar year after the third (4th) violation but reinstatement is not automatic.
* At no cost to the Novi Community School District.
Sportsmanship/Ethical Behavior
Good sportsmanship is viewed by the Novi Community School District, Kensington Lakes Athletic Association, National Federation, and the Michigan High School Athletic Association as a commitment to fair play, ethical behavior and integrity.
Sportsmanship expectations of the participant are as follows:
- Accept and understand the seriousness of your responsibility, and the privilege of representing yourself, your school and your community.
- Live up to the standards of sportsmanship established by the school administration and the supervisory staff.
- Learn the basic rules of the game.
- Treat opponents the way you would like to be treated.
- Refrain from any kind of derogatory remarks to your opponents during the game.
- Refrain from intimidating behavior.
- Respect the integrity and judgment of game officials.
- Win with humility; lose with grace. Do both with dignity.
- Select positive cheers which praise your team without antagonizing the opponents.
- Encourage positive crowd alternatives when booing or an inappropriate chant begins by starting a popular cheer.
- Give encouragement to injured players and recognition to outstanding performances for both teams.
Attendance - School and Practice
Participants are expected to attend and participate in all practices and team meetings, and carry out the directives of supervisors.
In order to participate in any PRACTICE OR COMPETITION, the participant must be in attendance the entire school day of the practice or competition. Exceptions would be such things as pre-arranged medical or dental appointments, scheduled court appearances, death in the family or funeral attendance, (proper documentation such as doctors, dentists, orthodontics, etc. notes may be required).
Any participant, who is suspended, (either out of school or in-school suspension) for violation of the policies and regulations of the student handbook WILL BE PROHIBITED FROM PARTICIPATION IN COMPETITIONS OR PRACTICES on the day that the suspension is served.
Failure to attend a practice or competition without a valid excuse, (as outlined above) may result in loss of participation for up to one calendar week from the date of the unexcused absence.
A second unexcused absence will result in up to two weeks loss of participation.
A third unexcused absence will result in removal from the squad.
Quitting/Switching Sports/Dual Participation (Athletics Only)
Quitting a team is a serious matter. A participant may drop out of a sport only if he/she has personally contacted the supervisor. Switching from one sport to another after the season has begun is discouraged. If a participant quits one sport after the season has begun he/she will not be eligible to participate in another sport without the prior consent of both supervisors and the Administrator. Participation in two sports during the same season is discouraged. However, with the written consent of both supervisors and the Administrator, a participant may compete on two teams during the same season, (for sports teams where squad cuts are not involved).
Parent's Responsibility
The parents must understand that participation in athletics involves, in many cases, strenuous physical activity and physical contact. The school assumes the responsibility to provide proper equipment, facilities, and supervision. However, it is the PARENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to provide the proper medical coverage to pay for any emergency or medical treatment required due to an injury. The Novi Community School District DOES NOT provide any type of supplemental insurance for our participants. In the case of athletics and as a member of the M.H.S.A.A., Novi participants are provided up to a 67 maximum of $250,000 for any one injury for excess medical expenses after a $25,000 deductible in paid medical expenses per claim has been met. This policy DOES NOT cover any out-of-season activities. Certain restrictions and time limits apply. Please consult the appropriate Administrator if you have any questions.
Personal Appearance (Athletics Only)
As a representative of Novi Community School District, exemplary personal appearance is important and is to be encouraged. On the day of a competition, (home or away) males shall wear dress slacks and appropriate dress shirt unless otherwise approved by the supervisor. Females shall wear dress slacks or skirts and an appropriate top unless otherwise approved by the supervisor. Hair will be kept neat and well groomed and not interfere with the participant's ability to perform. During an athletic competition, all parts of the uniform must be worn. Any additional clothing worn during competition must be approved by the supervisor. Tattoos must be covered during practice and competition. All jewelry, (including all piercings) must be removed prior to practice/competition.
Proper Supervision
Participants are not to be in the locker rooms, classrooms, gymnasium, field house, weight room, pool or other facilities unless properly supervised by their supervisor.
If a practice or competition is not scheduled immediately after school, the participants are to leave the building as soon as possible. Failure to abide by this regulation may result in disciplinary action.
Conflict of Responsibilities
Being a member of an athletic team is an extra-curricular activity for the student. There may be occasions when the participant will have a conflict of responsibilities. It is suggested that participants use the prioritized list below when determining their prime responsibility:
- Family and religious responsibilities.
- Academic responsibilities.
- Athletic responsibilities.
- Other school and social responsibilities.
Participation in school-sponsored sports carries with it responsibilities. One such responsibility is to fulfill the commitment to the school-sponsored team. It is our expectation that when a participant chooses to participate on a school-sponsored team, he/she will fulfill the meeting, practice and competition requirements of that sport. While we cannot prohibit participants from participating in non-school sponsored sports, (although the MHSAA prohibits participation in the same sport during the same season) we do expect that our participants will fulfill the commitments to their school-sponsored teams in the event of conflicts. Simply stated, if a conflict exists between a school-sponsored practice/competition and a non-school sponsored practice/competition, we expect that the participant will fulfill his/her commitment to the school-sponsored team. If a participant misses a school-sponsored practice/competition to attend a “non-school sponsored” practice/competition, penalties will range from suspension from competition to dismissal from the squad.
Despite all scheduling efforts by the administration, conflicts will develop between various school sponsored extra-curricular activities. If a conflict should arise, it is the participant’s responsibility to report the conflict to their supervisor. The Administrative staff will do what it can to avoid school-sponsored conflicts.
Review Procedures
Participants will have the opportunity for review concerning corrective actions taken by a supervisor or the Administrator. If a participant is disciplined for an infraction, that student may appeal the discipline imposed starting with the individual who imposed the discipline. The appeal process will include the supervisor, Administrator, building principal, Assistant Superintendent of Academic Services and the Superintendent. The decision of the Superintendent is final.
Steps for review:
- The participant must have met with the supervisor involved within 3 school days to try to solve the problem.
- The participant and his/her parents may request a meeting with the supervisor within 3 school days. This request must be in writing. This meeting must take place within 3 school days of the request.
- The participant may request a review by the Administrator. This request must be in writing within 3 school days upon the conclusion of step 2 stating the facts and reasons for review. This meeting must take place within 3 school days after the request has been received. At this point the Athletics Director or designee will arrange a meeting with the supervisor, the participant, and the parents.
- The participant may request a review by the High School principal or his/her designee. This request must be in writing within 3 school days upon the conclusion of step 3 stating the facts and reasons for review. This meeting must take place within 3 school days after the request has been received.
Due Process
Administrators are expected to investigate all alleged violations of the Athletic/Extra-Curricular Handbook. The parent of a student that is being investigated for a violation should be notified as soon as possible once it has been determined that a violation has been committed. Disciplinary action may be imposed by an informal hearing in which the student is advised of the Athletic/Extra-Curricular Handbook violation with which he/she is charged and the evidence supporting the charge. The student is given the opportunity to present his/her version of the alleged incident(s) during the informal hearing.
When a student is interviewed regarding an alleged incident that student is to be removed from class for the shortest time possible, however, investigation time may be extended due to the number of students being interviewed and the complexity of the issues involved. Parents should understand that administrators have many responsibilities and questioning may be delayed due to those other responsibilities. If a student is to be detained for a period longer than 30 minutes, school work will be secured from the teacher of the class being missed.
Whenever possible, investigations should be done after school hours which may affect attendance at after-school activities, but not impede classroom participation
At the discretion of the supervisor or Administrator, parents and other persons may be permitted to attend the informal hearing or otherwise provide information which will assist in the resolution of the charge.
Upon the conclusion of the informal hearing, if it is determined that the student has not violated the handbook, the charge shall be dismissed and all documents reflecting the charge will be destroyed.
Upon the conclusion of the informal hearing, if it is determined that the student has violated the training rules and conduct, consequences as outlined within the handbook shall be imposed.
Reasonable efforts shall be made to notify the parent or guardian by telephone, letter, or personal contact of the student consequences and the reasons for the consequences. A written record of such contact shall be made in all cases where a student is withheld from competition.
The Police Liaison officer may not question a participant alone, unless the incident is solely a police issue. All investigations and discipline under this Athletic/Extra-Curricular Handbook will be handled in a confidential matter. At no time will discipline issues regarding a student be discussed with other students or parents.
The Athletic Department will give the following awards:
Freshmen: Participants shall receive a Freshmen certificate of participation.
Junior Varsity: Participants shall receive a Junior Varsity certificate of participation.
Varsity: Participants who successfully complete a first season of varsity level competition, and meets any other requirements determined by the supervisor shall be awarded a varsity certificate and allowed the opportunity to purchase a varsity chenille.
Any participant who successfully completes a season of varsity level competition, but does not fulfill the award requirements determined by the supervisor, shall be awarded a varsity participation certificate. Any participant who has already been awarded a varsity letter who then successfully completes another season of varsity competition in a DIFFERENT SPORT shall receive a varsity certificate. Any participant who successfully completes a second, third or fourth season of varsity competition in a PARTICULAR SPORT shall be awarded a varsity certificate.
The Athletic Department will honor a senior Male Athlete of the Year and a Female Athlete of the Year.
Any participant not completing a season of competition due to academic ineligibility, disciplinary action or voluntarily quitting the team will not receive an award for that sport from the organization, its programs, or supervisors.
Extracurricular Activities
The opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities is a privilege extended to the students of Novi Community Schools. Participation in extracurricular activities places a student in a position of recognition and often bestows the position of role model upon the student participants. Any student who elects to accept the privilege of participating in extracurricular activities must recognize that he/she is a representative of the school and District, and will be held to a higher standard of conduct than that applied to other students. This applies to both school-related and non-school related activities. The student is subject to state and federal law, School District policies, school rules and regulations, and the organization’s requirements including the constitution and/or bylaws.
All sponsors and coaches of extracurricular activities, clubs, and organizations (including interscholastic athletics and marching band) may develop and enforce standards of behavior that are higher than the District-developed Student Code of Conduct and may condition membership or participation in the activity on adherence to those standards.
Extracurricular Philosophy
The education of the students of Novi High School extends beyond the four walls of the classroom. Learning to be good citizens, respectful young adults, and students with the characteristics of honesty, trustworthiness, integrity, responsibility, and pride are important traits for success in life. As a school, as a community, and as a family we take on the roles of emulator and teacher in the life skills our children need.
Being a member of a Novi High School extra-curricular team or activity is the fulfillment of a goal for many students. Retaining this goal carries with it certain responsibilities and traditions. The extra-curricular tradition was not built overnight. It has taken hard work by many people over the years. When a student represents Novi Community School District in an extra-curricular activity, he/she is expected to understand the responsibilities and tradition he/she represents. In every situation, participation in our programs is regarded as a privilege that is earned through hard work in the classroom, in practice, and through adherence to the standards of conduct outlined in the Athletic/ExtraCurricular Handbook.
All student participants in extra-curricular activities will be expected to follow the Athletic/Extra-Curricular Handbook issued to all students at the beginning of each academic year or upon enrollment during the school year. Students participating in extra-curricular activities are to abide by the Athletic/Extra-Curricular Handbook during the calendar year and while representing Novi Community School District during summer programs. Students make a commitment to follow these rules at all times including when they are out of season and when they are off school property.