Covid Plan - Board Approved Extended Learning Plans clone
Oakland County Weekly COVID-19 Reports
2020 approved learning plans
March 2020- Board Approved Continuity of Learning Plan
September - Board Approved COVID-19 Learning Plan
October - Board Approved COVID-19 Learning Plan
November - Board Approved COVID-19 Learning Plan
December - Board Approved COVID-19 Learning Plan
2021 Approved Learning Plans
January - Board Approved COVID-19 Learning Plan
February - Board Approved COVID-19 Learning Plan
March - Board Approved COVID-19 Learning Plan
April - Board Approved COVID-19 Learning Plan
Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan Training
- Training for Educators
- Training for Parents
- Training for Students
- Extended COVID-19 Learning Training Plan
Training for Educators
Title of Training | Synchronous or Asynchronous Modality |
1st Grade HP Laptops and Zoom | Synchronous |
1st Grade Intro to Schoology | Synchronous |
1st Grade Seesaw New Features | Synchronous |
2nd Grade HP Laptops and Zoom | Synchronous |
2nd Grade Intro to Schoology | Synchronous |
2nd Grade Seesaw New Features | Synchronous |
3rd Grade HP Laptops and Zoom | Synchronous |
3rd Grade Intro to Schoology | Synchronous |
3rd Grade Seesaw New Features | Synchronous |
4th Grade HP Laptops and Zoom | Synchronous |
4th Grade Intro to Schoology | Synchronous |
Addressing Social Emotional Learning | Synchronous |
Assigning EdPuzzle videos in Schoology | Asynchronous |
AVMR Addition and Subtraction | Synchronous |
AVMR Number Words and Numerals | Synchronous |
AVMR Structuring | Synchronous |
Best Practices for Distance Learning (K-6/7-12) | Synchronous |
Digital Reader Introduction and Ongoing Coaching Support | Synchronous |
EDM Virtual Tools | Synchronous |
Getting Started with Pear Deck for K-6 Teachers | Synchronous |
Getting Started with Pear Deck for NMS Teachers | Synchronous |
Google Drive Assignments in Schoology | Asynchronous |
Guided Reading | Synchronous |
HP Laptops and Active Pen | Asynchronous |
Kindergarten HP Laptops and Clever | Synchronous |
Kindergarten HP Laptops and Zoom | Synchronous |
Kindergarten Screen Recording | Synchronous |
Kindergarten Seesaw New Features | Synchronous |
Making Worksheets into Fillable Google Docs/Slides | Asynchronous |
Monthly K-4 Tech Team Trainings | Synchronous |
New Teacher Training (Everyday Math, Writing Pathways) | Synchronous |
NHS Schoology Semester Switch | Synchronous |
NHS Transition to Virtual | Synchronous |
Pear Deck-Schoology Integration for NHS Teachers | Asynchronous |
Planning Asynchronous Instruction | Synchronous |
Schoology Basics | Synchronous |
Schoology Student Completion Rules | Asynchronous |
Schoology Training Course | Asynchronous |
Schoology Treasure Hunt | Asynchronous |
Screencasting with Screencastify | Asynchronous |
SLP ad Psych: Updating Evaluation Systems and Procedures | Synchronous |
Small Group Instruction | Synchronous |
Special Ed Department Training for SDI/Evaluations | Synchronous |
Technology Basics + Schoology Basics | Synchronous |
Trauma-Informed Relationship Building | Synchronous |
UDL Introduction | Synchronous |
Virtual and Hybrid Accommodations | Synchronous |
Virtual Assessments | Synchronous |
Virtual Drop-In Sessions for 5/6 Teachers - Creating Google Slides Agendas | Synchronous |
Virtual Drop-In Sessions for 5/6 Teachers - EdPuzzle + Schoology | Synchronous |
Virtual Drop-In Sessions for 5/6 Teachers - Pear Deck | Synchronous |
Virtual Drop-In Sessions for 5/6 Teachers - Schoology Assessments | Synchronous |
Virtual Drop-In Sessions for 5/6 Teachers - Schoology Basics | Synchronous |
Virtual Drop-In Sessions for 5/6 Teachers - Schoology Buttons | Synchronous |
Virtual Drop-In Sessions for 5/6 Teachers - Schoology Rubrics | Synchronous |
Virtual Drop-In Sessions for 5/6 Teachers - Zoom | Synchronous |
Virtual Tips from NHS Teachers | Asynchronous |
Virtual Tools for Teachers | Synchronous |
Training for Parents
Training for Students
Extended COVID-19 Learning Training Plan
MCL 388.1698a(4) requires that each district create an extended COVID-19 Learning Training Plan that shows:
- The amount and type of training provided during the current school year as of the date of the report to teachers of the district through professional development that focuses on how to deliver virtual content.
- The amount and type of training provided during the current school year as of the date of the report to the parents and legal guardians of pupils and to pupils on how to access and use virtual content provided by the district.
Extended Learning Plan Goal and Progress Reporting
Goal Reporting
Date: January 29, 2021
Goal Category |
Goal Related to Achievement or Growth on K - 8 Benchmarks |
Middle of the Year Reading Goal |
All students (K-8) will improve benchmark assessment performance in Reading/ELA from Fall to Spring. |
End of the Year Reading Goal |
All students (K-8) will improve benchmark assessment performance in Reading/ELA from Fall to Spring. |
Middle of the Year Mathematics Goal |
All students (K-8) will improve benchmark assessment performance in Mathematics from Fall to Spring. |
End of the Year Mathematics Goal |
All students (K-8) will improve benchmark assessment performance in Mathematics from Fall to Spring. |
Achievement or Growth on Benchmark Assessment
Our K-6 uses i-Ready and 7-12 uses NWEA MAP
Reporting Category |
Beginning of the Year (Median Percentile) |
By February 1*** (Median Percentile) |
Before End of Year (Median Percentile) |
Reading |
Math |
Reading |
Math |
Reading |
Math |
All Students (K-6) |
77 |
79 |
All Students (7-12) |
77 |
87 |
Econ. Disadvantaged (K-6) |
75 |
75 |
Econ. Disadvantaged (7-12) |
73 |
83 |
Special Education (K-6) |
32 |
31 |
Special Education (7-12) |
24 |
23 |
English Learner (K-6) |
74 |
82 |
English Learner (7-12) |
64 |
83 |
Female (K-6) |
80 |
77 |
Female (7-12) |
79 |
86 |
Male (K-6) |
75 |
80 |
Male (7-12) |
75 |
87 |
Asian American (K-6) |
85 |
90 |
Asian American (7-12) |
83 |
95 |
Black/African American (K-6) |
54 |
42 |
Black/African American (7-12) |
59 |
48 |
Hispanic (K-6) |
62 |
60 |
Hispanic (7-12) |
69 |
69 |
Two or More Races (K-6) |
80 |
70 |
Two or More Races (7-12) |
82 |
79 |
White (K-6) |
71 |
68 |
White (7-12) |
73 |
79 |
The following student groups were not reported as the size of these groups were each less than 30, which is the threshold for MDE Accountability:
- American Indian or Alaskan Native
- Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Novi Community School District released its initial Responsive Organizational & Academic Return Plan on July 7, 2020 and its COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan (Executive Order 2020-142 District Preparedness Plan Template) on Aug. 13, 2020.
The most current version of the ROAR plan is listed below and will be updated, as needed, throughout the 2020-2021 school year.
- Foreword by Dr. Matthews
- Assurances
- Learning Options
- NCSD Vision and Guiding Principles
- Public Health
- Daily Screener (Frontline App)
- Health Services
- Teaching and Learning
- Mental & Social and Emotional Health
- Student Services
- Special Education
- English Learners
- Human Resources
- Operations
- Technology
- School/Community Programs and Education
- Communications
Foreword by Dr. Matthews
Let me begin by saying thank you.
Thank you to our students, parents, teachers, administrators, and staff who worked together to ensure that the 2019-2020 school year ended well. On March 12, 2020, all of us were challenged when our Governor announced that school buildings would be closing. Our district staff started right away on March 13, 2020, creating a new model. This model evolved over time and provided our students with opportunities to continue learning.
We certainly had our fair share of bumps along the way and, looking back, we can see where things could have been improved or gone better. However, I am proud of the work that all of us did to ensure that our students could continue learning and growing.
Now the 2020-2021 school year is fast approaching. The Novi Community School District has been busy planning and we are excited to share our plans with you. We have great confidence that the plans we have made will provide opportunities for our students and options for our families.
We, like you, are committed to providing a safe environment for our students and staff. Governor Whitmer has given us guidance on what will be required and what will be recommended based on the context within our region. We will follow the required elements of the Governor’s plan and make decisions on the recommendations to ensure that all of our community can be safe as we return to school.
We believe that the best option for students is to return to in-person learning in our schools. Students need to be with their friends, with a caring and supportive teacher, and provided opportunities that come in our school buildings. Our in-person plan will address both the academic and social/emotional needs of our students.
We also plan to have a robust virtual option for our students. This option will look and feel different than the virtual experience that we offered in the spring. Our new virtual option will be more structured, requiring attendance and giving grades. Students will receive instruction from NCSD teachers following NCSD curriculum.
We recognize that our new school year will be unlike any we have prepared for before. Working together we will create positive and robust options for both in-person and virtual instruction this fall.
I look forward to working with you and our staff to make sure we create safe, positive, and challenging learning environments for our students this fall.
Gratefully and Respectfully,
Dr. Steve Matthews
The District assures that when it provides in-person instruction to its students without disabilities, the district must also provide in-person instruction to its students with disabilities, consistent with their individualized education programs (IEPs).
The District assures that when schools are closed to in-person instruction, districts must strive in good faith and to the extent practicable, based upon available resources, technology, training, and curriculum, as well as the circumstances presented by COVID-19, to provide equal access to any alternative modes of instruction to students with disabilities from birth through age 26. This assurance includes the provision of auxiliary services under section 1296 of the Revised School Code, MCL 380.1296.
The District assures that while any state of emergency or disaster related to the COVID-19 pandemic continues, it shall comply with guidance from the United States Department of Education, including its Office of Civil Rights and Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, and the Michigan Department of Education concerning the delivery of alternative modes of instruction to students with disabilities in light of the impact of COVID-19.
The District assures that it shall, to the extent practicable and necessary, make individualized determinations whether and to what extent compensatory services may be needed for students with disabilities in light of the school closures during the 2019–2020 school year.
The District assures that during Phase 1, 2, or 3 of the Michigan Safe Start Plan it will close its buildings to anyone except: (a) District employees or contractors necessary to conduct minimum basic school operations consistent with a Preparedness Plan, including those employers or contractors necessary to facilitate alternative modes of instruction, such as distributing materials and equipment or performing other necessary in-person functions. (b) Food-service workers preparing food for distribution to students or their families. (c) Licensed child-care providers and the families that they serve, if providers follow all emergency protocols identified by the state.
The District assures that during Phase 1, 2, or 3 of the Michigan Safe Start Plan it will suspend athletics, after-school activities, inter-school activities, and busing.
The District assures that during Phase 1, 2, or 3 of the Michigan Safe Start Plan it will provide for the continued pay of school employees while redeploying staff to provide meaningful work in the context of the Preparedness Plan, subject to any applicable requirements of a collective bargaining agreement.
The District assures that in Phases 1, 2, or 3 of the Michigan Safe Start Plan it will provide for the continuation of food distribution to eligible students.
The District assures that during Phase 4 of the Michigan Safe Start Plan it will prohibit indoor assemblies that bring together students from more than one classroom.
The District assures cooperation with the local public health department if a confirmed case of COVID-19 is identified, and agrees to collect the contact information for any close contacts of the affected individual from two days before he or she showed symptoms to the time when he or she was last present in school.
Learning Options
Learning Options
- In-person: A hybrid blend of in-person and virtual instruction with strict adherence to clear safety protocols.
- Virtual online instruction: An online, virtual learning program for students.
Option One: Hybrid blend of in-person and virtual Instruction, following required safety measures
- Families were asked to commit to this option in early August.
- Half the students in school at one time.
- Small classes
- Commitment is to create classes that allow appropriate social distancing
- Commitment is to have smll classes
- Exceptions might be classes like orchestra, choir and band, as long as there is adequate social distancing.
- Lower class sizes means more individualized attention to each student's needs
- Teachers focused on core standards
- Assigned seating
- No sharing of materials
- Strict cohorting in grades K-6
- Cohorting in grades 7-12 will be done as practical
- Class will be different than what it has been, but students will have positive interaction with staff and other students
- Facial coverings for most students and staff will be required or strongly recommended, depending on the Phase we are in at the time. Students can bring their own facial covering or the district will provide one.
- The District will work to create as much social distance as practical within classrooms and common areas.
- Transportation provided, with students wearing facial coverings. Hand sanitizer will be available. District will be cleaning and sanitizing buses.
- Food service provided with potential for staggered lunches, distanced cafeteria or eating in classrooms.
- Extracurricular athletics as permitted by the MHSAA.
- Curricular and extracurricular activities, if possible, adhering to recommended safety protocols.
Option Two: Complete Virtual Learning
- Families will be asked in August to commit to a semester at a time.
- Students will receive instruction from NCSD teachers teaching NCSD curriculum.
- Attendance and grades
- Teachers and students will interact each day, each hour
- Teachers will have a minimum of 15-minute whole group instruction/check in each hour
- Teachers could take the whole hour for instruction depending on the lesson.
- Students will have a variety of small virtual group or individualized work
- The time expectation will be very similar to in-person instruction.
- Students will be able to participate in extracurricular athletics and activities.
NCSD Vision and Guiding Principles
Responsive Organizational and Academic Return (ROAR) Plan
Vision for the ROAR Plan:
The Novi Community School District Vision:
The Nov Community School District believes in:
- an equity of opportunity,
- a culture of unity,
- fostering and inspiring a curiosity of learning and a community of well-being, for all stakeholders.
The NCSD Guiding Principles for the ROAR Plan:
- We will continue to take measures to support the safety, health and welfare of our students and staff.
- We will continue our commitment to supporting the well-being and mental health of our students and staff.
- We will continue to engage our community, which includes students, staff and parents, as we work through the planning process.
- We will continue to provide high quality services to our students with disabilities, English Learners, and students receiving intervention services.
- We will continue Professional Development to support our learning plans.
- We will be flexible in our approach to our teaching and learning framework, giving us the capability to pivot between instructional modalities in response to the public health crisis.
Public Health
Key Points
- In order to ensure student safety, we will follow the required elements of the MI Safe Schools: Michigan’s 2020-2021 Return to School Roadmap.
- Masks/facial coverings could be required depending on the phase.
- The district will work to create as much social distance as practical within classrooms and common areas.
- Hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes will be available in all buildings and classrooms.
- For additional details, please refer to the NCSD Prevention and Response Plan listed below. This is a living document that will be updated based on the latest recommendations from the CDC, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, the Oakland County Health Division and the District Nurse.
References and Resources
Daily Screener (Frontline App)
The District will direct parents when the App has been activated
The Novi Community School District will have a health screener that each staff member and family will be required to complete each morning before coming to school.
A report will be sent to the Principal.
If a family does not complete the health screener, they will be contacted and told it is required. If they continue to refuse to complete the health screener, their student will be enrolled as a virtual student.
NCSD staff, parents/guardians and students will use the Frontline School Health Portal and Mobile App. This will provide daily health screenings for students and staff and allow for a safe and secure way for the district to communicate student health information in a HIPAA and FERPA compliant manner. This is available both as a mobile app, or on any internet connected device, such as a phone, tablet or computer.
Downloading the Mobile App
Go to the Apple App Store or Android Apps on Google Play and search for "Frontline Health Portal" to find the Frontline Health Portal mobile app.
- Download the app.
Registering for the Health Portal from a Device or the Mobile App
- You can begin the registration process from within the Health Portal mobile app or from any internet connected computer.
- If you already have completed the registration process on the desktop version of the Health Portal, you don't need to register again, and you can proceed to Logging In.
- Parent/Guardian Registration
- Staff Registration
- Logging In To The Mobile App
- Adding Students after logging into the Health Portal mobile app
- How to Complete the Daily Health Check Questionnaire
Parent/Guardian Registration
Note: If you are a STAFF MEMBER and a parent/guardian, you only need to complete FACULTY Registration.
- Open the Frontline Health Portal App on your mobile device and tap Register to view fields for verifying your information.
- Next, enter your State, School District, and your Email Address. Be sure you are using the same email address that is used in your contact information on your student's school health record.
- Enter a New Password using letters and numbers only -- no special characters can be used. Then, in the Confirm Password field, re-enter the password you just created.
- Tap Verify Details to generate an email message with a link you will need to finish activating your account. If you do not see this email in your inbox, check your junk mail.
- Click the link provided in the email message and sign in using the login information you created in the Health Portal mobile app. You will be directed to the HealthOffice Portal Terms of Use. When you have reviewed the Terms of Use, tap I Agree, then tap Verify to complete registration.
- Return to the Health Portal mobile app, enter your login information, and tap Login. You will be prompted to change your password. Tap Change Password and enter your new password to complete the process.
Staff Registration
Follow this procedure if you’re district staff:
- Open the Frontline Health Portal App on your mobile device and tap Forgot Password to view fields for resetting your password.
- Enter your State, School District, and your Email Address. Be sure you are using the same email address as you provided to your district.
- Tap Reset Password to generate an email message with a temporary password.
- Go to your inbox for your email and locate the email message your temporary password. If you do not see this email in your inbox, check your junk mail.
- Return to the Health Portal mobile app, enter your login information with your temporary password, and tap Login. You will be prompted to change your password. Tap Change Password and enter your new password to complete the process.
Logging In To The Mobile App
Adding Students after logging into the Health Portal mobile app
Once you have logged in to the Health Portal mobile app, you will need to add your students.
Note: If you’re a staff member, you only need to complete this procedure if you are also a parent/guardian.
- Tap the menu icon in the upper left to display side navigation, then select My Students.
- Tap Add Student.
- Enter the Student Last Name, Student ID, and Date of Birth.
- Repeat this for each student you will add.
How to Complete the Daily Health Check Questionnaire
Once you have added your students’ information, you can complete items in the “To-Do / History” section of the mobile app, including the Daily Health Check Questionnaire.
- To complete the questionnaire:
- Tap the menu icon in the upper left to display side navigation.
- Select My Students.
- On the My Students list, tap the name of the person whose questionnaire you will be completing.
- Return to the side navigation and tap To-Do / History.
- On the To Do List, select Daily COVID-19 Health Check.
- Select any applicable prompts on the questionnaire page (i.e. Cough, Sore throat, less of smell or taste, none of the above).
- Tap Submit.
- Complete any outstanding items on the list. If there are no other "To Do List" items, you can log out.
Health Services
Key Points
- Nursing Services
- Health planning/health support/medication requirements
- Each school will identify and designate a quarantine area and a staff person to care for students who become ill at school. Appropriate health care protocols will be followed in caring for these students
- Symptomatic students and staff will utilize a different isolated room in the school building and will utilize social distancing guidelines in such rooms
Resources and References
Teaching and Learning
Phase 1 (March 13 - June 12)
On March 13, 2020, the district initiated a task force made up of Content Area Leaders, guided by the NCSD Office of Academics Administrators, to plan for the initial school building closure (March 18-April 14, 2020) time frame. The NCSD Content Area Leader (CAL) model has been the primary driver of curriculum construction and implementation over the past decade.
The CAL model empowers approximately 35 K-12 teachers to lead the curriculum efforts of the district. It is this model that created a fully aligned curriculum, a curriculum that emphasizes common learning experiences for over 6,500 learners. This teacher-led model afforded opportunities for our students after the initial school closure. Our interim goal was to provide at-home learning opportunities that reinforced previous instruction on topics covered in school prior to the initial state mandated building closure. No new instruction or assessments were to be given during this time period.
In that time, optional learning tasks were shared out by teachers on Wednesdays to students and families. Teachers checked in with their classes through the learning platforms, listed below, once a week. Parents were directed to reach out to teachers or building administrators if their child was having difficulty accessing the optional online learning activities. These were supplemental activities designed to be completed, if desired, and they were not graded or assessed.
Beginning on April 12, 2020, under the guidelines set forth in Executive Order 2020-35, the Novi Community School District built upon its existing framework of providing students with Opportunities for Weekly Learning. This second phase moved into the area of new instruction, with teachers focusing on the most important areas left to be covered in the 2019-2020 school year.
These Opportunities for Weekly Learning were still ungraded, but students were provided with formative feedback on work submitted. The goal for this new phase was to provide instruction on the most important subjects yet to be covered and mitigate as much knowledge loss as possible. The district will spend many hours in the fall of the 2020-2021 school year working to remediate students and filling in the gap that will have arisen from this disruption in school.
The primary method for delivery of instruction was online, utilizing platforms such as Seesaw, Schoology, and Zoom. For students who had internet access, but did not have a device, devices were made available. Students without internet access had access to instructional materials through a weekly instructional packet. All students had access to grade level/course textbooks, as needed, to complete their work.
Phase 2 (Mid-June to Late-August)
In keeping with NCSD’s vision statement, our staff has been working diligently to live into our vision of creating a plan that addresses all modalities, blending them and nimbly moving between them as reality dictates, committing to ensure staff and student safety.
NCSD leveraged Content Area Leaders to bring together collaborative teams to reflect on the successes and challenges our staff and students experienced during our first phase of online learning. The CALs recruited staff from various departments and buildings in the district to join their collaborative teams, and began to reflect on the online instruction they provided students focusing on their subject area of instruction. Together, the collaborative teams completed a reflection template that was shared with the Office of Academics.
The Office of Academics is using the feedback received from the collaborative teams to hone virtual instruction for the upcoming school year. We are planning for in-person learning, plus online learning for individuals who elect a virtual experience. Once the guidelines are established, the Office of Academics will share them with the collaborative teams, and they will begin planning for instruction delivery.
During this time, the NCSD administrative team has also met regularly and collaborated to develop an initial plan to return students and staff to school for in-person learning safely. The team developed several scenarios in accordance with the CDC’s published guidelines, and will be using the Governor’s task force guidelines to further develop our reopening plan.
Phase 3 (School Begins)
Following the guidance from the MI Safe Schools: Michigan’s 2020-21 Return to School Roadmap and working in conjunction with the Oakland County Health Department, the Novi Community School District will provide two instructional modalities: a hybrid model (two days of in-person instruction and three days virtual) or a completely virtual option, in which students will receive all instruction online taught by Novi teachers using the NCSD curriculum.
NCSD will provide a robust curriculum in the 2020-2021 school year. Students will begin the year by completing a universal screener (i-Ready at the K-6 grade levels; NWEA at the 7-10 grade levels) to assess prior learning and determine possible learning gaps that need to be addressed during the school year. As the year continues, teachers will continue to assess students’ learning and growth using formative and summative assessments throughout the school year.
NCSD will be providing grades and report marks for all students, whether they are in-person on in virtual learning. Students can expect to partake in graded assessments and assignments. Students in grades K-6 will receive marks and report cards for all three trimesters this year. Students in grades 7-12 will receive grades and report cards throughout the year as well.
We will follow all policy and guidance from the Michigan Department of Education in regards to attendance, grades, and report cards for both traditional in-person and virtual learning.
References and Resources
Mental & Social and Emotional Health
Key Points
- Proactive approach to focus on the well-being of students and staff.
Provide time and space for staff and students to intentionally focus on building relationships and foster a strong classroom community of learners.
- Leverage structures and practices already in place while adding new strategies to support the needs of students across each level.
- Utilize our Multi-Tiered System of Supports to provide interventions in varying degrees of intensity to attend to the needs of each student.
References and Resources
Student Services
Hybrid Learning
- Adhering to child find requirements, evaluations, eligibility, and providing accommodations, aids and related services to students who are eligible under Section 504.
- Following required social distancing protocols during evaluations and when providing accommodations, aids, and related services.
Virtual Learning
- Support students with Section 504 Accommodation Plans
- Demonstrate good faith effort to provide accommodations and related services to students with 504 Plans
- Provide services in the areas of: Social Worker, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech and Language Services, and Oakland Schools Consultant support, as stated on student’s 504 plans.
- NCSD will provide these supports using several methods, which may include Zoom, Google Meets, or Televate Platform
- Will work to ensure accessibility, including accommodations to their general education learning, as well as individual student needs
- Provide a Notice document to families in the event we cannot provide services on the 504 plan
Child Find and Evaluation
- In-person learning: All federal and district policies and procedures will be adhered to in order to meet compliance under Section 504
- Virtual learning: Individual needs will be reviewed to determine how to best support and provide accommodations, aids, and services so students identified under Section 504 can access curriculum and instruction
Special Education
- Birth to 3/Early On
- Early Childhood/Pre-K Special Education Programs & Services
- K-12
- Novi Adult Transition Center (NATC)
- Career Prep
- Catholic Central (Non-Public Service Plans)
- Novi students who attend Center-Based Programs in Oakland County
Hybrid and Virtual Learning
Child Find and Evaluation
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Meetings
English Learners
The English Language Development (ELD) program will continue living into the vision of providing every English Learner access to equitable, high-quality content and language instruction, delivering an impactful and inclusive educational experience. The ELD program will continue to support English Learners, whether in-person or virtually, focusing on the four components of language development: Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing. The ELD team will follow the district plans for in-person or virtual learning. The ELD program will continue to follow best practices and guidance provided by the Michigan Department of Education.
Key Points
During hybrid instruction,
English Language Development Teachers will continue teaching language development along with teaching core content
English Learners will continue to be identified for appropriate levels of English Development support based on multiple data points, such as the latest WIDA ACCESS 2.0 For ELLs proficiency scores
English Language Development intervention will continue to provide intensive language-based instruction to English Learners who are struggling with language development
English Language Development teachers will begin the year by collecting further proficiency data to ensure they are able to meet students’ needs using the WIDA Model assessment, and other local assessments such as i-Ready
During virtual instruction,
English Language Development teachers will also continue to teach language and content, with further emphasis on developing oral language skills
The English Language Development program will continue to provide English Language Development intervention to select students who are identified as in need of additional support to further develop their language skills
English Language Development teachers will continue to collaborate with core teachers and the special education team to support English Learners in their classes, whether virtually or in person
References and Resources
Human Resources
- Athletics/Curricular and Extracurricular Activities
- Facilities/Maintenance
- Food & Nutrition Department
- School Safety
- Transportation
Key Points
- Athletics/Curricular and Extracurricular Activities
- Facilities/Maintenance
- Food & Nutrition
- School Safety
- Transportation
Athletics/Curricular and Extracurricular Activities
- Maintain and sanitize bottle filler locations within buildings. In lieu of using a common source of drinking water, staff and students should use individual water bottles.
- Continually assess the necessary materials and supply chain for cleaning, disinfection and PPE supplies per the CDC and Oakland County Health Division guidelines
- Continue deep cleaning all district buildings over the summer and clean and maintain facilities for in-person school operations
- Coordinate with Local Emergency Management Programs for support with procurement of cleaning and disinfection supplies
- Alert custodial and infection control staff of any changes in recommended cleaning guidelines issued by OSHA and/or the CDC
- Oversee work on bond projects and ensure that contractors are following all recommended safety and health protocols
- Manage site repairs, renovations and reconstruction projects
- Ensure ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible inside the buildings to maximize circulation of outdoor air conditioning
- Create, distribute and post hygiene and traffic-flow visual controls
Food & Nutrition
NCSD will continue to provide breakfast and lunch for all students. Multiple service models have been developed to accommodate a range of social distancing requirements.
- Service models include eating in classrooms, distanced cafeteria, or “grab and go”, should closure be required again
- Mobile preordering will be required for grades 7-12; K-6 will preorder in their classrooms each morning for eating in the classroom
- ID badges will be used for all students at point of sale to minimize touch points
- All meals will be served meeting USDA and MDE guidelines and requirements
- All service staff will follow health department health and safety protocols
- Meals will be served in accordance with CDC and Oakland County Health Division guidelines
School Safety
NCSD, in partnership with our school resource officers, administrators and staff, will continue providing coverage of all sites to ensure safe environments for students, staff and community members. NCSD will take steps to:
- Ensure that safety and security remain a top priority with regard to our students, staff, faculty and guests
- Continue to place an emphasis on the security of our entire school community, relative to District policies and protocols already established
- Continue our commitment to providing secure/monitored building entrances during the entirety of each school day
- Remain faithful to the District’s overall Emergency Operation Plan, which is based upon guidance from state and federal authorities in best practices for school safety and threat preparedness
- Commit to being agile in accommodating public health recommendations, while maintaining appropriate attention to prior training, crisis preparedness, threat assessment, and violence/crisis mitigation practices, as established
- Expect the cooperation of our students, staff, faculty, and guests in maintaining a high standard of safety and security within all District facilities
- Maintain a strong partnership with local public safety and emergency management resources
NCSD plans to provide safe and timely transportation services for eligible riders. In order to ensure student safety, we will follow the required elements of the MI Safe Schools Roadmap.
- Capacities of the transportation service will follow public health guidelines:
- disinfecting protocols following student pick up and drop offs
- masks/facial coverings could be required depending on the phase.
- Scheduling dependent on ridership and capacities
On June 18, 2020, the NCSD Board of Education unanimously approved the use of 2014 bond money to purchase laptops for all NCSD educators. The technology will ensure that our teachers and administrators will be able to meet the needs of our students either in-person or in a virtual environment.
Key Points
- Each instructional staff member will be provided with a convertible 2:1 laptop with digital inking capabilities. During phase one, staff will retain existing desktop computers through the 2020-2021 school year. During the summer of 2021, the plan is to implement the laptop as the teacher workstation in the classroom.
- Each administrative staff member will be provided with a convertible 2:1 package (same as educators) to replace their existing desktop computers. The package consists of the laptop, two monitors, a docking station, and a wireless keyboard and mouse. The existing desktop, purchased in 2015, will be reimaged to be reprovisioned for the remainder of the usable life expectancy.
- Students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 1 will utilize existing iPads to support student learning. Instructional staff assigned to these grades will be assigned an iPad such that they can better support student learning goals.
- Students and staff will continue to have access to the Oakland Schools Service Desk 248-209-2060 for any technology-based issues that may arise.
School/Community Programs and Education
Key Points
- The C.A.R.E. program supervises children while their parents are at work. C.A.R.E. is ready to serve families in the Novi Community School District. Determination of locations and availability will be made based on public health and LARA guidelines. These guidelines will include the potential of limited capacity of school buildings, reduced ratios, and the need to clean and disinfect spaces before and after sessions. Communication to families regarding availability will be provided early August
The availability of Youth/Adult Enrichment classes, Aquatics and Facility Rentals will be determined based on CDC guidelines.
- The NCSD Central Registration team can assist families enrolling in the Novi Community School District. Central Enrollment for the 2020-2021 school year will be done online. Please visit NCSD’s Central Enrollment website for enrollment information. The Central Enrollment team will process all paperwork and communicate with all necessary district personnel (building secretaries, administrators, and counselors)
- The Early Childhood Education Center (ECEC) will be offering Preschool classes for the 2020-21 school year. The program format may change based on licensing and CDC guidelines
- Determination of NCSD Career Prep High School and Adult Education program locations and availability will be made based on public health guidelines. These guidelines will include the potential of limited capacity of school buildings, reduced ratios, and the need to clean and disinfect spaces before and after sessions
- NCSD will be offering our alternative high school program, Career Prep High School, for the 2020-2021 school year. The program format may change based on CDC guidelines
- NCSD will be offering Adult English as a Second Language classes for the 2020-2021 school year. The program format may change based on CDC guidelines
References and Resources
We will relay critical and necessary information to all audiences, support crisis situations, lead community relations and family engagement, respond to media inquiries, and continue to tell our story. We will remain agile, creative, flexible and responsive, anticipating an increased complexity to communication efforts during the 2020-2021 school year. Additional communications may be triggered by potential fluctuations in the status of school buildings (open or closed in response to virus outbreaks), changing health advisories, national or local government actions, and multi-layered crisis situations. We may need to increase real-time communication at the school level for students and families.
The importance of timely communications to all stakeholders cannot be overstated. We understand that to serve the information needs of the entire community, NCSD will utilize the website or ELD newsletters for a variety of real-time multilingual delivery mechanisms for critical information. District families receive (or have access through online translation mechanisms) information in their chosen language(s) as every other family in the district.
Key Points
External Communications
- A new public-facing page on our website will include information about the ROAR Plan. NCSD will communicate more information before the start of the school year about the in-person and virtual learning options, implementation of plans, and supports for families and students. Content will likely include topics such as school schedules, curriculum resources, student expectations, tech support, meal distribution, mental health resources, special education, FAQs, and community resources.
- Communications from the Superintendent will be emailed to parents/guardians when necessary. The Superintendent provided almost daily communication via SchoolMessenger throughout the mandatory building closure due to the pandemic.
- Principals will continue to provide critical updates and information, including a weekly newsletter delivered via email.
- Specific information for each learning mode will be highlighted as needed.
- NCSD will continue to be proactive and reactive in engaging with local and national media outlets.
- NCSD, ranked the No.1 school district in the state of Michigan in 2019, will continue to tell our story, highlighting student achievement and district activities.
- NCSD will continue to use social media, especially Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, to provide content that encourages interaction and participation with external audiences.
- The District and all schools will provide important updates and crisis alerts in multiple languages utilizing the SchoolMessenger broadcast platform. With the potential for fluctuating schedules and plans, these immediate contact tools become increasingly important.
Crisis Communications
The success and safety of NCSD students and staff, whether in the in-person traditional setting or a virtual learning environment, is our top priority. Crisis communications encompasses community messaging and school support related to incidents and issues. For all learning modalities, schools will be the primary resource for determining and delivering building level emergency messaging under the direction of the Superintendent, the Marketing/Communications Specialist and other administrators.
Returning to in-person learning during the ongoing pandemic creates the potential for fluctuations in school status in response to virus outbreaks. This reality, together with rapidly changing health advisories, will necessitate additional communication.
Internal Communications
References and Resources