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Stormwater Program Information

Forest with river moving through it

Learn more about Stormwater Management 

Novi Community School District is committed to the environment and strives to be a good steward of the land within its jurisdiction by using appropriate Best Management Practices to contribute to the improvement of water quality within the Huron River and Rouge River Watersheds where the district is located.

Novi Community School District encourages all students, faculty, staff, parents, and visitors to get involved through opportunities provided by the local watershed groups including the Huron River Watershed Council, Friends of the Rouge, and the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG).

Why worry about stormwater?

Many people may not realize that stormwater collected in drains located on the street curbs does not flow to their local water treatment plant. Rather, this water remains untreated and is discharged directly into the waterways. During this journey to the waterways, stormwater collects and carries a broad range of pollutants. Stormwater is a nonpoint source of pollution thus making it extremely difficult to address and the single greatest threat to our water quality and watershed health.  Nonpoint source pollution comes from many diffuse runoff sources such as rainfall and snowmelt, flowing over and through the ground, picking up pollutants as it goes. Some of these pollutants occur naturally, such as nutrients from sediments, manure, or pet wastes. Other pollutants such as fertilizers, automotive grease, and oil occur from our interaction with the environment. Stormwater acts as a carrier of nonpoint source pollution and is therefore considered a major cause of water quality problems both in Michigan and nationwide.

Public Notice of Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP)

To this end, the school district has developed and implemented a “Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP)” to reduce the discharge of pollutants from their MS4 to the Maximum Extent Practicable and protect water quality in accordance with the appropriate water quality requirements of Michigan Act 451, Public Acts of 1994, Part 31, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and the district National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Permit (NPDES).

A copy of the Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) is available for review on the district’s website (Please see below in the Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) link).  Any questions or comments regarding the Stormwater Management Plan should be directed to the Maintenance and Operations Department at (248) 449-1240.

Report an Illegal Discharge or Concern
Please contact the Oakland County Drain Commissioner's (OCDC) office 24-Hour Environmental Pollution Hotline at 248-858-0931.

To report an incident or concern at a Novi Community School District Facility during school hours, please notify Maintenance and Operations at 248-449-1240.

When It Rains, I Drains Video
 Stormwater...When it Rains, it Drains 
Stormwater Management Program Plan (SWMP)
Stormwater Public Education and Links