Meal charge policy
Food & Nutrition Department
Meal Charging Policy
While meal charging is strongly discouraged, we understand that it occasionally happens. Meal charging is a temporary solution and is not intended to compensate for a broader issue of the inability to pay for a student’s meal. If paying for meals poses as a problem the Application for Free or Reduced Price School Meals should be completed. These applications are available at all school cafeterias, offices, and through the district website.
Should the instance arise when a student does not have enough funds in his or her account to cover the cost of a meal then limited meal charging will be allowed, as a courtesy.
Elimination of "Lunch Shaming"
The District will strive to eliminate any form of "lunch shaming." "Lunch shaming" is the public identification or stigmatization of students who cannot pay for a school meal. In furtherance of this goal, the District prohibits the following:
- requiring a student who cannot pay for a school meal or who has unpaid meal charges to wear a wristband or handstamp;
- requiring a student to dispose of a meal after it has been served because the student cannot pay for the meal or has unpaid meal charges;
- communicating directly with a student about unpaid meal charges unless the District has attempted but has been unable to contact the student's parent/guardian by telephone, email, or other written or oral communication;
- requiring a student to perform chores or other labor to pay a student meal debt;
- discussing a student's unpaid meal charges in the presence of other students.
Elementary School Students:
Only complete reimbursable meals may be charged. No ala carte, milk, or water may be charged.
Parents will be notified by email when their child's account is low and/or negative. If you have a preferred method, please contact the Food & Nutrition Department to specify.
Any combination of meals, breakfast or lunch, may be charged up to a total of negative (-) $15.00 per family.
Repayment of meal charges is expected.
No negative account charging will be permitted for approximately the last two weeks of each school year. A notice will be communicated through the student’s home school and flyers will be posted in the cafeteria.
Middle and High School Students:
Only complete reimbursable meals may be charged. No a la carte, milk, or water may be charged.
Parents will be notified by email when their child's account is low and/or negative. If you have a preferred method, please contact the Food & Nutrition Department to specify.
Any combination of meals, breakfast or lunch, may be charged up to a total of negative (-) $15.00 per family.
No negative account charging will be permitted for approximately the last two weeks of each school year. A notice will be sent through the student’s home school and flyers will be posted in the cafeteria. (All High School student charging will end approximately two weeks prior to the last day of school for seniors.)
Seniors must have their account balance paid in full in order to receive their cap and gown.
For further information regarding negative debt in the National School Food Service Account please refer to the Board of Education Food Services Policy.
Build a Breakfast
Take at least three of the food items to create a breakfast
- Select a 1/2 cup of Fruit or Vegetable (or both)
- Pick a second serving of fruit, or some other foods like Whole Grains, Protein or a serving of Milk
- Take a minimum of three food items
Meal Examples:
- Fruit plus Whole Grain & Protein equals a meal
- Fruit plus Fruit plus Whole Grain equals a meal
- Fruit plus Protein plus a Whole Grain equals a meal
- Whole Grain plus Fruit plus Milk equals a meal
- Milk plus Whole Grain plus Protein is not a meal (Because it has no fruit or vegetable)
Create a Lunch
Take at least three of the five food groups to create a meal
1. Select a 1/2 cup of Fruit or Vegetable (or both)
2. Pick at least two other food groups, such as Whole Grains, Protein, or a serving of Milk
3. Take a minimum of three food groups and a maximum of five.
Meal examples:
- Fruit plus Whole Grain & Protein equals a meal
- Vegetables plus Fruit plus Milk equals a meal
- Fruit plus Vegetables plus Whole Grain & Protein equals a meal
- Whole Grain Protein (i.e. Pizza) plus Milk does not equal a meal (Because it has no fruit or vegetable)