NCSD District Logo

Technology Information

The Staff Acceptable Use Agreement can be found in Staff Links

Technology Assistance

If a student has an issue with an NCSD-issued device (cracked screen, missing key, camera not functioning, device not holding a charge, etc.), please have a parent or guardian contact the Oakland Schools Service Desk ASAP. 9-12 students may contact the Service Desk on their own.

All NCSD staff and students have access to receive support from the Oakland Schools Service Desk.

How to Submit a Service Desk Ticket

Option 1: On the Website

  1. From any web browser log in to the Oakland Schools Service Desk system using this link:
  2. Scroll down to the bottom to the Username/Password section
  3. Type in your Username and Password:

  • Novi Staff and 9-12 students will use their NCSD school email address

  • Parents and Guardians will log in with their email address

    • If you do not have an account, click sign up for an account under the Oakland ISD Parents section

4. Once logged in select one of the following:

  • Staff Technology Support
  • Parent Technology Support

5. Fill out the following information for your ticket:

  • Name, Phone number, Summary and description of issue, Device serial number or asset tag, Pictures if applicable

6. Click Create at the bottom of the screen to submit

Option 2: Call the Service Desk

Call the Service Desk at 248-209-2060 to speak to a service desk technician.
Monday - Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

An Oakland Schools Service Desk technician will communicate with you first to try and solve your issue. If the Service Desk technician is unable to resolve the issue, they will send the ticket to a Novi Field Service technician.

NCSD 1:1 Device Program

Kindergarten through 12th grade students have the opportunity to use a district-provided device.

Kindergarten programs and 1st-grade students are provided with an iPad.

2nd-grade through 12th-grade students are provided with a touchscreen Chromebook. 

Families are not required to take a District device, but it is strongly recommended. If a family chooses to opt-out, it is recommended that the student has access to a laptop, Chromebook, or iPad to connect to the internet and use digital tools such as Google, Seesaw, Schoology, and Zoom.

Students must bring their device fully charged daily along with their charger.

During the state testing window (MSTEP, WIDA, MiAccess, etc.), students need to use an NCSD device. If a student does not have a District device, one will be provided.

Device Collection


If you are leaving the district, please return your device to your building’s main office. 


Device Distribution

If you are new to the district and requesting a device for your student, please submit a ticket to the Oakland Schools Service Desk.

Self-Service Password Manager

All staff and students in grades K-12 are strongly encouraged to test logging into their NCSD account before the start of school by going to and entering their NCSD username and password.

All K-6 students needing to know their password should consult their teacher. 

All students in grades 7-12 enrolled in the Oakland Schools Self-Service Password Reset ( can reset their password through this portal. 

Internet Connectivity Assistance for Families

Internet Providers with Assistance for Families


Families Needing a Hotspot

Families without home internet access may request a district-provided hotspot by submitting a ticket to the Oakland Schools Service Desk. This device is available to families without internet access and loaned on a first-come, first-served basis. Only one hotspot is available per family due to limited availability.

How to Clean a Device

Here is helpful documentation on cleaning a device: How to Clean a Device.

Optional Device Insurance

Families are responsible for any damage to an NCSD device. To help alleviate any potential repair costs, NCSD offers optional insurance for families to enroll their device(s) in. Insurance has to be purchased and enrolled in each academic school year and does not roll over. Each district-provided student device also requires an insurance policy to be purchased. 

The Novi Community School District has partnered with One2One Risk Solutions (Gallagher) to provide accident and loss protection for NCSD's one-to-one student program. When you register with One2One, you can limit your responsibility to a per-occurrence deductible for lost or damaged district-issued devices, protecting you from the full cost of repair or replacement.

Please visit and select “Enroll My Device” to get started.

Enrolled devices in One2One have access to loaner devices (if available) while the original device is being repaired. Families who choose not to enroll in the insurance program will be fully responsible for the cost of repairing or replacing the device. Additionally, a loaner device will not be provided.

Device chargers are not covered under policies.

Individualized Technology Needs

Students who require specific technology related to an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan will be contacted through the Special Education Department to discuss arrangements.
Student holding bag from 1:1 technology device distribution.