Board Meeting Schedule
The public is encouraged to watch our Live Streamed board meetings. Community members interested in participating must attend the meeting in-person for their public comment under the Public Comment portion of the agenda. This will be the opportunity to share your comments regarding agenda items and non-agenda items.
The board respectfully requests that any individual wishing to speak to the board provide their name, address, any organization they represent, keep their comments to the allotted time, and refrain from directing comments to individual members of the board, district employees, or members of the audience. The procedure to participate in comments from the audience are:
- Completely fill out a green comment card, located next to the agendas when you come in;
- Before the meeting begins, hand your completed card to either the Superintendent's Executive Assistant or the Board of Education Vice President;
- Comments will be limited to not more than five (5) minutes;
- Time will vary based on the number of community members who wish to speak.
Regular meetings of the Board are live streamed on YouTube and are archived on the District's website below. If the public is unable to attend board meetings while they are in session, the public is welcome to email all School Board Members, as a group or individually, to provide input about business that will come before the Board. Emailed comments will not be read during the Board meeting, but will be considered as the Board makes their decisions.
The Novi Schools Board of Education has implemented a process for "paperless" school board meetings. To view agendas, minutes, and Board packets for board meetings, please see the Board Meeting Packet information below.
Meeting Location: Educational Services Building (ESB; Unless otherwise noted on Agenda)
25345 Taft Road, Novi, MI 48374
(248) 449-1200
Board Meeting Agenda Information Packet and Minutes
Archived Board Meeting Agendas, Minutes, Packets, and Committee Agendas
- Board Book Meeting Information
- 2023 Board Meeting Agendas, Minutes, and Packets
- 2022 Board Meeting Agendas, Minutes, and Packets
- 2021 Board Meeting Agendas, Minutes, and Packets
- 2020 Board Meeting Agendas, Minutes, and Packets
- 2022-2023 Committee of the Whole Agendas and Minutes
- 2022 Committee Agendas
- 2021 Committee Agendas