NCSD District Logo

Curriculum/ Instruction/ Assessment


The Novi Community School District is committed to providing the highest quality educational experience possible for every student.  To that end, the NCSD educators work throughout the year to provide an aligned  curriculum that is delivered with the evidence-based instructional practices to improve the growth and achievement of our students.  The Teaching and Learning Department supports this work through a continuous improvement process that is supported through a district-wide professional development plan that involves curriculum, instructional, and assessment.  



andrew comb

Director of Curriculum and Assessment

25345 Taft Rd                                    Novi, MI 48374                                  248-449-1226 (office)                        248-449-1219 (fax)

Emily pohlonski

Director of Instruction
25345 Taft Rd
Novi, MI 48374
248-675-3160 (office)                        248-449-1219 (fax)

Spencer riley

Director of ELD, State anD Federal Programs

25345 Taft Rd
Novi, MI 48374
248-449-1405 (office)
248-449-1219 (fax)